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Environment protection

Environment protection and Conservation.


Protecting wetlands and planting both Fruit and shade trees by our Coffee farmers.

The move is aimed at moving from Adaptation to resilience (Coffee and Climate Change) The Coffee Industry widely recognizes that climate change poses a significant challenge for smaller holder farmers around the world.

For both coffee and other crops. But climate change is also a threat to coffee business and in fact to all actors involved in the coffee value chain. Supporting farmers to adopt to the effects of climate change is our priority for sustainable coffee businesses. Through community assessment with producer Organizations and engaging with a wide rage of partners can improve project effectiveness and deliver broader and more sustainable impact. Kigezi Coffee Development Academy believes in partnering with businesses in the value chain to ensure commercial viability, working with local partners and Donors to understand the context of the existing projects.

We also believe that coffee and Climate projects need to be framed with the concept of resilience which goes beyond the adaptation of Good Agriculture Practices at Farm level and incorporate more social economic aspects.

Two Thousand Trees were planted in the last four years and more shall be planted by our farmers. Coffee, Climate change and resilience trainings to our farmers aim at;

  • controlling soil erosion and improving soil fertility, and water retention.
  • Supporting income diversity through intercropping.
  •  Supporting renovation and rehabilitation of coffee plantations.